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French translation for "yearned for"

langui après, a la nostalgie de
Example Sentences:
1.Quisling was admonished and learned that Norway would not get the independence he so greatly yearned for.
Quisling est réprimandé et apprend que la Norvège ne sera pas aussi indépendante qu'il l'espérait.
2.He yearned for a freer existence in which he could create for the sheer joy of creating.
Il aspire à une existence plus libre dans laquelle il pourrait créer pour le plaisir de créer.
3.Priestley yearned for urban life and theological debate, whereas Needham Market was a small, rural town with a congregation wedded to tradition.
Priestley aspire à une vie urbaine et au débat théologique, alors que Needham Market est une petite bourgade rurale avec une congrégation attachée à la tradition.
4.Nine years ago a border fence came down in hungary , a wall came down in berlin , yearned for by some , feared by others: the revolution had arrived.
il y a neuf ans , une clôture s'effondrait à la frontière hongroise , un mur tombait à berlin , événement attendu par les uns , craint par les autres.
5.Nine years ago a border fence came down in hungary , a wall came down in berlin , yearned for by some , feared by others: the revolution had arrived.
il y a neuf ans , une clôture s'effondrait à la frontière hongroise , un mur tombait à berlin , événement attendu par les uns , craint par les autres.
6.However, the Assyrian governors and local puppet rulers Esarhaddon had appointed over Egypt were obliged to flee the restive native populace who yearned for independence now that the Kushites and Nubians had been ejected.
Cependant, les gouverneurs assyriens et les dirigeants fantoches locaux qu'Esarhaddon avait nommés en Égypte furent obligés de fuir la population indigène qui aspirait à l'indépendance maintenant que les Koushites et les Nubiens avaient été expulsés.
7.In The Tale of Genji a famous work of Japanese literature there is a story about a man named Hikaru Genji who yearned for a Saiin Princess named Asagao, but Asagao maintained a platonic relationship with Genji.
Le Dit du Genji, célèbre œuvre de la littérature japonaise raconte l'histoire d'un homme nommé Hikaru Genji qui aspire à une princesse saiin nommée Asagao, mais Asagao maintient une relation platonique avec Genji.
8.Oppressed by the old-time political organization, many of the thinking people of Meiji yearned for objectives which perhaps they could not fully comprehend, but which they knew of and wanted because they linked them with the new and wonderful West—independence, freedom, equal rights.
Opprimés par l'ancienne organisation politique, beaucoup de gens aspirent à des objectifs qu'ils ne peuvent peut-être pas bien comprendre, mais qu'ils connaissent et désirent parce qu'ils les relient à la nouvelle et merveilleuse indépendance occidentale, à la liberté, à l'égalité de droit.
9.Elizabeth N. Case, writing in the Hartford Daily Courant, called it a "delicate sensitive study in character", though she states in the same breath that it "is manifestly one of those novels which inevitably lose definitely through translation"; and again, "this restrained record of a French provincial school teacher, who yearned for all the elemental joys of a normal environment, is absolutely and essential Gallic, an appealing book even in its English form, but with its informing fire damped and dimmed through transference to an alien tongue".
Elizabeth N. Case, dans le Hartford Daily Courant, le jugea « delicate sensitive study in character », tout en ajoutant : « it is manifestly one of those novels which inevitably lose definitely through translation » et « this restrained record of a French provincial school teacher, who yearned for all the elemental joys of a normal environment, is absolutely and essential Gallic, an appealing book even in its English form, but with its informing fire damped and dimmed through transference to an alien tongue ».
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